Goals +Dreams for 2020!

Where did the time go!? Christmas has already gone and the new year celebrations are almost upon us!

Speaking of Christmas guys, mine was 50/50. Spending time with my family was the absolute best, and getting out in nature and swimming in beautiful waterholes and creeks was my all time favourite highlight. But Christmas lunch didn’t go to plan 😦

We had seafood, and I am pretty sure the lobster tails weren’t as fresh as one might hope to expect and so to celebrate Christ’s birthday, I spent it with food poisoning. Yay! That is definitely a first!

I hope everyone’s Christmas was absolutely wonderful though and you spent it safely and in the company of loved ones. For New Years I plan to spend it having a couple of celebratory drinks in a fancy new hotel bar with my favourite group of friends aka my ‘squad’ comprising of four guys who are all like brothers to me.

While I was spending my Summer break with family and friends, relishing moments of pure joy and happiness, I reflected on 2019 and the challenges and exciting times it brought. It was definitely a good year all around with only a couple of bumps along the road.

I thought back on my time adjusting to my full-time job, and making incredibly close friends with my colleagues. I thought about how God brought two such lovely and compatible housemates into my life and my home. And I thought about my own personal growth too, and how I managed to overcome difficult hurdles with a maturity that I had developed over the year.

But while there is a time for past reflection, there is a time to look to the future, and without further ado these are some goals and dreams on my heart.


First and foremost I would like to develop my relationship with God. I know I am the worst when it comes to penciling in time with my maker. Sometimes I skip out on Church in favour of a sleep-in and choose Netflix over the Bible. I want to discipline myself though and put aside time with the Lord. I think we forget just how important it is to have a good spiritual life, especially when everything we do in life should be guided by God.

Post-graduate study

I will be enrolling into full-time study for a Graduate Certificate in Digital Communications through a well respected local university. Because I have already studied a Bachelor Degree in Communications before, this just felt like the next logical step. My passion is to use my communication skills to help businesses, organisations, non-for-profits etc to empower others and help build the community through their online presence. I have always had a passion for writing, and if I can combine my skills with writing and online technologies then I am sure God will be able to bless whatever opportunities present themselves. This will also be coupled with some social media volunteering on the side, as I plan to help out an organisation that seeks to assist people living in poverty and homelessness in the city.

Dance Classes

Not being one for the gym, I decided to focus on what exercise regime actually works for me and fits my personality. I LOVE music and dancing. If a good rnb track comes on, I am the first to hit the dance floor, so it only seems right I should sign up for Hip Hop classes next year, so I can feel fit, healthy, and still be able to have fun working out! There is a great little dance studio in the heart of the city that I have been to before, with such fun classes and instructors, and the classes aren’t too expensive either! Win-win.


I am definitely a social butterfly. I go a bit crazy if I spend too much time alone, and I get the dreaded FOMO (fear of missing out). Because I have such a large circle of friends though now, it is hard to juggle seeing everyone and making time to invest in important friendships. But I want to make sure I am still showing people I care, even in the small ones. For the friends I haven’t caught up with one on one in a long time too, I will plan getting a coffee with, and the friends that live overseas, they are only a Skype call away.


I am an independent gal. I don’t really feel the need to put myself out there on the scene. Especially when a lot of guys do not cut the mustard. I have definitely come a long way from the girl who used to fall for any ol’ guy. In fact, I’m probably more invested in loving myself than I ever have been. Which is why I have decided not to be on the apps anymore. However, one certain young gentleman has certainly caught my eye, and I am rather fond of him. Which probably explains why I feel fine with not meeting anyone else, because of just how lovely and compatible we seem. Trouble is he is overseas, and he is in the military. Bit of a major bummer if you ask me. But we are really good friends, and I know God is helping us develop this friendship. It is a slow burn, but those are the best kind. Next year I see us communicating more, we both intend to communicate even while he is deployed, so I am excited about getting to know his heart more and seeing if there is long-term potential.

Saving for America

My housemate and her beau and I are dreaming of taking a trip to USA in 2021 for Coachella and a massive exciting road trip in a camper van from West Coast to East Coast! To say I am excited is an understatement. I have dreamt about going to America most of my life and to explore it with two great friends would be amazing. Still early days of planning yet, and lots of money to save up, but God willing, it will be worth it. Even more worth it to visit said guy I am interested in, in his own home country.

Podcast 101

There seems to be a trend now in podcasts, a lot of people are listening to them, making them, co-hosting them. So I thought I would try my hand at it and start a little podcast looking at topics like mental health, relationships, friendships, media, work, passions etc. I would love to research different areas, and get people’s opinions on different topics and interview them on my own show. Just for fun, or maybe even a stepping stone to further opportunities down the track.

Being the Best Bridesmaid Ever

Two of my friends have found the right guy and are getting married next year and asked me to be their bridesmaid! Whew! It’s going to be a super busy time around August- November. I can’t wait to be a Bridesmaid of Honour for my oldest friend’s wedding too, its such a privilege to watch the girl you’ve known your whole life get married. I really want to be the best bridesmaid I can be to these stunning young women, and celebrate such a huge exciting milestone with them!


There you have it folks, just a few of my goals and dreams for next year! Please share your own by commenting below! I would love to learn what yours are too.



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