Coming Out Of A Hard Year

It’s no secret to the world that 2020 was a doozy. (Can’t believe it’s August already)

It affected a lot of people in many different ways, putting cities in lockdown and leaving many unemployed.

There was fear and anger, sadness and anxiety. Many didn’t even know if there would be a light at the end of the tunnel.

I spiralled down from around January onwards. I just lost so much joy , hope and motivation to continue being an active member of society.

Every job I applied for I was either knocked back from or it closed. My weekly highlight was just getting groceries. I no longer had much of a social life outside of my share house. I was also lost interest in seeking God, angry that my life had taken such a drastic turn for the worse.

But as time went on, I started to see glimpses of hope, and experience joy from small moments, like baking a cake, or reading a book. Until finally I gained employment, for not only one job but two. Jobs that would help me on my way to working in fields that interested me and could give me the skills needed to grow my career and help my community.

I never wanted to work in jobs that I felt couldn’t help others, and since Covid-19 happened, it gave me an even greater sense of urgency in finding work that was purposeful. I no longer wanted to waste my time in jobs that didn’t align with my heart.

Even though life is stressful at the moment juggling two jobs, moving houses, balancing eating right, socialising, and having time with God. At least I feel some forward momentum, instead of being stagnant. I am looking forward to working, making a house into a home and learning self-care and love again.

Everyone has a Covid story. Five, ten, fifteen years from now, people will still be talking about this and sharing their own stories. There will be tales of sorrow, and struggles but also breakthroughs and powerful testimonies.

I am relieved to be transitioning to a new chapter in my life. New work, new house, new friends, new purpose and zest for life post-Covid. While I still feel a little apprehensive about change, I know that if you don’t put yourself out of your comfort zone, you will never grow. And if you never grow, you never experience more out of the life God wants for you.

I definitely want to experience every blessing God has planned for me.


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